Live: Kyle Boelte Podcasts The Beautiful Unseen

At age thirty, Kyle Boelte finds himself living in San Francisco, amidst an ever-changing sea of fog, and struggling to remember his brother Kris, who committed suicide in the family’s Denver home when Boelte was just thirteen. In this impressive debut, Boelte sets up a dual narrative: one investigates San Francisco’s climate to explain the science behind the omnipresent fog; another explores Boelte’s memory as well as letters, notes, newspaper articles, and other artifacts that tell the story of his brother’s short life and eventual suicide.

Live: Melanie Crowder Podcasts Audacity

Colorado author and teacher Melanie Crowder reads from and discusses her new novel for young readers Audacity, the inspiring story of Russian immigrant Clara Lemlich, whose fight for equal rights in New York at the turn of the twentieth century led to the largest strike by women in American history.